Our webhosting service is a is a custom-designed and secure gallery of ePosters, sponsor content, images and information. Customize the gallery with your organization's branding and invite event attendees to
browse the posted content on their own time. Galleries can be live from two months to one year.
How It Works
Watch the video below to see an overview of our webhosting service:
The home page of your webhosting site will showcase all of the content available to browse. Add a custom banner welcoming visitors and thumbnails for each category. Visitors can click the thumbnails or access the categories from the list on the left.
Below is an example of an ePoster gallery. Choose how the files are named and sorted. Multiple types of files can be added from videos to PDFs to images.
Commenting is available for all webhosted content. This feature is a great way for attendees to interact with ePoster authors or sponsors and ask any questions that arise.
Clicking on a file from the gallery opens into this view. Viewers can view or make comments, show info or enter fullscreen. The ability to download the files can be turned on or off.
Including a sponsor category within your webhosting site is a simple way to give your event sponsors more exposure. We can set up an upload portal where sponsors can upload their content straight to us! Sponsors can provide graphics, marketing videos, slide decks, flyers and more.
Visitors can use the search feature to search for a specific ePoster or key word. Each file can be tagged anything from keywords to ePoster topics to author institutions!
Hovering your cursor over a webhosted file will reveal a description box. There are many options for info to include in the description including full ePoster title, abstract, author credentials, bios, email addresses, affiliations, sponsor descriptions, URLs, and much more!
Your organization or event logo shows on every page of the site. The logo shows on the login page when visitors arrive to the site and again in the top left corner of each page once visitors are in.
Group the webhosting content into as many categories as you like. ePosters can be grouped into multiple subcategories as well. Other categories can include sponsors, virtual exhibit halls, marketing material and more! Each category can display a different banner and description.